Changing eating habits at 40 (it’s important to know about metabolism changes and needs for a healthy body)

Turns out, having a surprise party for your 40th birthday isn’t the only thing that changes when you hit this milestone. Just like everything else in your life, your body and metabolism also go through some changes. And as we all know, change can be tough to adjust to.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help guide you through these changes and show you how easy it is to make small tweaks to your diet that will have a big impact on your health in the long run. Trust us, your 40s are going to be great!

At 40, your metabolism starts to change and you need to be more mindful of what you eat.

Turning 40 means entering a new decade of life, but it also brings with it the gift of slowing metabolism. To keep the dreaded midlife weight gain at bay, it’s important to take extra care with your diet. Cracking open a beer and eating chips on the couch might have been an acceptable way to pass time in your 30s, but if you want to stay svelte at 40, you should think twice before binging on bar snacks. Now is the time to give up those comfort foods and invest more in healthy options such as going for a jog or savoring a nutritious salad. Eating right is indeed essential for staying trim, but try not to beat yourself up too much; after all, did we mention that turning forty also comes with its silver linings? You could implement some of Tim Ferriss’ rules. One of them is a “cheat day” when he allows himself to have some favorite snacks once a week (ONLY once a week). For the rest of the days, he is strict with his diet. More about Tim Ferris here, and here is the article about losing weight without any exercise – check out rule no.4 (not the most important rule, but helping in introducing some discipline to our eating habits after 40).

You’re not as active as you used to be, so you don’t need as many calories.

Trying to be more active but finding yourself short on motivation? Well, it looks like there’s a silver lining – you don’t need as many calories as you used to! Sure, being active is great for your overall health and well-being, but the idea of having to refuel afterward can be discouraging at times. Fortunately, if you’re not burning those extra calories, then you don’t have to worry about replenishing them. Hey, it might not be much of a consolation prize but it sure beats an unhealthy alternative!

Make sure you’re getting enough protein – it’s important for muscle health as you age.

If you think ‘protein’ is just something for bodybuilders, then it’s time for a wake-up call! Protein is essential to keeping muscle healthy as we age, so grab some chicken, fish, or tofu and chow down. Trust me, this ain’t no bland diet – protein-packed foods can actually be delicious and satisfying. A lot of people don’t realize that when it comes to nutrition, muscles need some lovin’, too. So don’t forget the protein if you want to stay youthful for years to come!

Cut down on sugary drinks and snacks – they usually contribute to weight gain and health problems.

If you’re trying to take your health more seriously, one of the best places to start is with what drinks and snacks are in your diet. Sugary drinks and snacks are delicious – that’s a given – but they don’t do anything for our waistlines or our health. Giving them up can be hard – trust me, I know – so try taking baby steps when it comes to cutting down on sugary treats: drink water instead of soda and eat fruits and vegetables rather than processed junk food. Your body will thank you!

Eat more fruits and vegetables – they’re packed with nutrients that are good for your health.

Eating fruits and veggies is a great way to stay healthy, though let’s be honest – they aren’t always the tastiest things in the world. Luckily, the ways of consuming them are practically endless – dip them in sauces, add them to salads or smoothies, bake them into desserts…and if all else fails, there’s always just popping a few in your mouth pretending you’re an anteater (it works!). Don’t let their sometimes sour attitude fool you – fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that make for a stronger, healthier you.

Don’t forget to exercise – it’s still important to get some physical activity every day.

Even in these uncertain times, it’s important to not forget about exercise – and the couch to 5k challenge is here to prove it! So, get off of your couch (or lounger, or recliner) and show that antsy treadmill a good time – because you don’t have to break any sales records at the gym this year. You don’t even have to leave your house! Joking aside, physical activity is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, so take a few minutes out of your day for some stretching, yoga poses, or good old-fashioned jogs around the block – with your mask on, of course. So don’t forget: exercise is still very much alive and well.


So there you have it, a few things to think about as you enter your 40s. It’s not all doom and gloom – this is the decade where you can (and you should) really start to focus on your health and well-being. And that’s a good thing! So what’s the first step you’re going to take to improve your life in your 40s? Let me know in the comments below.